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<abbr draggable="6JdR"></abbr> 2024-12-14 12:35:47
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2. Chain development Chain development: not only pay attention to the first activity, but also emphasize the whole chain development process, including the complete system of new product research and development, release, display, promotion and sales.1. Debut Debut: Emphasize "debut", including the first release and display of new products, technologies, services, formats and models.2. Chain development Chain development: not only pay attention to the first activity, but also emphasize the whole chain development process, including the complete system of new product research and development, release, display, promotion and sales.

Today, the concept of starting economy broke out against the trend. What is starting economy? What's the role? What are the characteristics?1. Debut Debut: Emphasize "debut", including the first release and display of new products, technologies, services, formats and models.Today, the concept of starting economy broke out against the trend. What is starting economy? What's the role? What are the characteristics?

Third, the development of the starting economyFirst, the concept of starting economy

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